Review: Take Me With You

Take Me With You
Take Me With You by Sindra van Yssel

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

The Romance Review

In a world post Fifty Shades of Gray, women are more open to explore a kinky lifestyle. Unfortunately for many women, the men in their lives are not down with this experimentation. For married women and those already in a relationship, this can be a problem.

For Alicia, she is starting a new relationship and she wants to be upfront about her sexual needs. Either he is into kink too or she's out of the budding relationship. Confused Craig follows Alicia's lead with trepidation and suppressed resistance.

This issue between a couple is all too familiar. In the past few years as a moderator in the BDSM group on Goodreads, I've seen women join the group with similar stories followed by depression. The women feel maybe something is wrong with them. Or they are angry and frustrated with their lover. Ms. van Yssel takes all these issues head on and shows why the other half may be resistant as well as how it can be overcome. The BDSM covered in this story is realistic from a physical and emotional front. The blend of beginner D/s and a bit of impact play from a baby dom is delightful.

The only item which seems to be harped upon quite a bit is topping from the bottom. This is a hot button for many in the lifestyle and it appears it is the same in this book.

Whilst a reader may think this story is about Alicia and her new found kink, for me, it is more about Craig learning to understand the difference between spanking and abuse. It is surprising how many men have issues with spanking a woman. Or flogging, caning or whipping a woman because it is too close to abuse in their minds. These men don't want to be the one doling out pain to women they love. Ms. Yssel does a great job of showing how a man feels about kink when it is new and intimidating to them. Helping a man overcome his concerns and fears whilst allowing a woman to enjoy a hard spanking without being disrespected is key.

This story represents the common beginner's anxiety so well and one can only hope more people taking their first steps towards a kinky life would mimic this journey. This book is highly recommended as a Gateway to BDSM book.

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