Review: Darkness Hunts

Darkness Hunts
Darkness Hunts by Keri Arthur

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seriously, what else is going to happen to Risa? It's just getting ridiculous now. Ms. Arthur is kicking the shit out of Risa. It is also reminisce of Riley's relationship with Quinn. The conflict between Azriel and Risa is classic Ms. Arthur. Essentially, there is "something" keeping them from being together and it usually a choice which will mean the lost of power/identity, blah blah blah. And of course, Risa just wants to have a normal life. That would never happen based on who her mother and father are.

There is STILL no resolution to who killed her mother. We still don't have any movement on the second and third keys. We do learn more about each player and what they really want. Is it a surprise? Not really. The thing about Ms. Arthur is that she does everything in shades of grey. Is it really bad? Is it really evil? How evil is it? How bad is it? Her path of good intentions always seem to lead us straight to hell. I have yet to read another author who keeps setting up scenarios which require the main character to make such hard choices. There are no good choices. It is always the lesser of two evils. This also means it's one step closer to the dark. Is this depressing or what? I'm reading this story and my stomach is in knots for Risa. I don't see any good outcomes.

This is the problem with being so special. With these special traits, the demand is high. For someone so useful as Risa, the groups using her don't care if she gets burned out or damaged. She is really no more than a pawn. It's hard to watch as Risa understands she is a pawn but she can't outwit the players who have centuries over her. It's so frustrating! At times she is so tired that she believes her death would solve all the problems. I can understand her viewpoint. I just feel badly for Risa as she's being tortured and corrupted from all sides. The betrayals is disheartening too. I'm hooked on this series and I need to read all of them. I want to know what happens! Recommended for urban fantasy lovers who want a good plot, engaging characters and a sense of "most extreme elimination" scenarios.

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This sounds interesting. I'd have to start with book 1 though.

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