Review: A Life Less Pink

A Life Less Pink
A Life Less Pink by Zenina Masters

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Romance Review

Pretty in Pink, NOT! Cori is a tattoo-wearing steampunk fetish wear designer. And she's a flamingo. Her mother prefers Cori to match the rest of the family with various shades of pink for every gathering. Totally not her favourite colour, Cori suffers to please her mother for special occasions. She is the only one out of her family who is so opposed to Pink.

This story hits home for me since my mother also loves pink in every shade. My sisters love pink, too. I wonder if my mother is a flamingo. I digress. Cori's family may not understand her loathing for pink, but they love her and are thrilled when she goes off to the Crossroads.

Crossroads is a magical place and when Cori meets Artur, it's kismet. Artur designs tattoos. He's an amazing artist and he falls for Cori. Cori becomes his muse. The pair give off amazing chemistry and sexual heat. Between the dancing and the BDSM fetish mix, it's so good. With all the things Cori and Artur do as humans, it connects to me more and is something I am interested in. When this story ends, it's all too soon because I wish we could learn more about Cori and Artur.

Ms. Masters does a superb job in her descriptions. The tattoos and corsets are vivid in my mind. Going to a conference is described just as I've seen it. Of all the books in this series, the human side of these shifters connects to me the best and it's why I enjoyed the story so much. If Artur and Cori were real people, they would be the kind I'd be friends with. This paranormal romance is recommended for those who love kinky wear and tattoos.

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