Review: Under the Surface

Under the Surface Under the Surface by Anne Calhoun
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I have been hearing all about the hype for this book and reading excerpts for months. I am glad to say, the book lived up to the hype. I do enjoy Ms. Calhoun and I want to read all her books. I do not even need to read the blurb, I just pick it up if her name is attached to the book. She is on my short list of authors I just automatically want to read. Why? Because she writes such lovely stories with characters I like.

For me, Ms. Calhoun is the new Ms. Roberts when it comes to romantic suspense. The formula of her stories are pretty much the same. I know what I'm going to get from the book and I enjoy it. I will get a smart independent woman who finds a man who can keep up with her. A woman who does the right thing against the social norms or peer pressure. These women are admirable and ones who inspire me to be better. They don't morosely move through life, railing at the unfairness of what they have been dealt. Instead, they are fighters who have a passion for what they do. Inspiring, yes?

Some of the women are kick butt. Others are more mellow. In this one, Eve Weber is no shy and retiring old maid. She is a pastor's kid who runs a bar heavily selling it with eye candy for women. I love the concept as well as why she opened up her bar. She's smart and savvy. Plus she has a great attitude as evident in her motto for lemons.

“When the world hands you lemons, put on heavy boots to stomp them into lemonade." (kindle loc. 1457-1458)

Eve walk a dangerous edge when she decides to help out the local law enforcement. The conflict in this story keeps the suspense tight and action packed. The danger of Eve getting wacked is all too real. The pace of this book keeps a reader hooked and reading until the book is finished. This book probably could have done without the romantic element because Eve is such a strong character. Still, the sexy Matt Dorchester gives an element of romance which softens the rough neighborhood vibe. The sex for me is just meh. It is a bit too vanilla for me so I skimmed through most of it. I much preferred the plot and how Eve triumphs in both her business and personal life. Recommended for romantic-suspense readers who like strong female leads.

*provided by NetGalley


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