My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I have enjoyed all this author's books. This one however, I didn't enjoy as much. I guess it was confusing for me because the protagonist is a male and the POV is all from him. Many times, I didn't understand what he wanted from the women. Keep in mind, I'm reading what he is thinking and feeling. If I couldn't understand his wants/desires, how the hell could those women have understood? This book takes the body modification to a degree that I can definitely see happening. What flat chested woman with self esteem issues wouldn't want huge natural breasts? The training these "Partners" put the females through is pretty close to torture in my book. The fact that each of the Partners is a doctor with their own specialties is a bit disturbing. Still, it was an engaging read and kept me wanting to know what was going on.
That is one thing I can say for Lady Midnight books . . . they always make me feel just a bit uncomfortable because she pushes at all my soft limits.
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