My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is the first I've read of author Skyler Smith. This was an ARC given to me via one of the groups I'm in. I have to say I have mixed feelings about this book. There are three separate short stories and each generated different feelings.
First, I'd like to say, I enjoyed the femdom aspect quite a bit. I don't come across many femdom with F/M. I would like to read more of this type of story. I'm going to break down what I liked of each story and what I would have liked to see different.
Cougar 2.5 stars
This one didn't do it for me because I didn't like how Jackie came into her wealth. It seemed so mercenary. I'm not sure what I would have really done differently because it did explain her motivation.
The sex was good. I liked what Jackie set up for her household, a good fantasy.
Taking Control 3.5 stars
This was my favourite one. Sarah's business was pretty hot. I loved everything about this story line. I enjoyed the sex. I enjoyed the domination. I loved the switcheroo. I would request to have a longer story focused on this. OR, to have another book with short stories of other "marks" brought into the fold. I am impressed with Sarah and her business. I'd work for her. Thinking about it makes me hot.
The Perfect Man 2 stars
This one made me feel just a little bit queasy. I say this because I start to wonder about my grandfathers who both were in coma like states when they were old and dying. I feel slightly violated for Bob. In addition I feel guilty for not spending enough time with my grandfathers who may have been perfect of sound mind, yet trapped in a body.
This story turned out well, but still, it as if an ethical line crossed for me. This is very odd since I have very few lines that bother me. This one, just didn't do it for me. I still feel a bit ill at ease.
Overall, I would say this was a decent first attempt from Skyler Smith. If there were more books like the second one with femdom, I would read another story.
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