Unexpected Consequences
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I swooned in sexual ecstasy reading this book. The phrase running through my mind the entire time was "Spare the rod; spoil the child!" This phrase is one of my favourites and it must be Jared's too.
Jared is newly wed to Melanie. The twelve-year age difference doesn't make him her "daddy", but due to their affiliation to the Rod and Cane Society, he does dole out punishment for her misbehaviour like a father would to a child.
I liked this book because Melanie was spanked and paddled hard for misbehaving. Perhaps I am tired of women who are "Daddy's little princesses" manipulating people and receiving no consequences. In this book, bad behaviour was treated accordingly and fully laid out prior to the punishment. What I find amusing is that Melanie's father and mother are part of the Rod and Cane Society. Yet Melanie was ignorant to its mission and vision. She knew going into the marriage, there would be punishment which was laid out in detail in the lengthy contract on obedience and correction by her husband. For her, it never connected because she fully believed it would not apply to her. She figured she'd just negotiate her way out of it. Right, basically she wanted to be in control and jerk Jared around.
I can't stand women like this which is probably why I enjoyed this book so much. I reveled in her paddling discipline. I smiled in glee at her shock. I delighted in her inability to con her way out of punishment. I found her struggle to accept her wifely discipline believable. Her question if she could still be married after this jarring to reality was well written. I would have felt empathy for her if she was married in without any warning. Instead, she went into the marriage, eyes wide shut. Because of this willful ignorance, I sided with Jared every time.
Jared is the kind of husband I like. He's the type of husband I married. Jared is stricter than my own spouse, which makes him more attractive to me. I liked how Ms. Bristol wrote from his perspective too. He is the loving caring husband and he isn't flawless. It makes me like him even better. I'm a big supporter of domestic discipline so this story is definitely on my list of recommendations. I'm actually going to pass it along to my husband and highlight the word "maintenance". I'm hoping he'll understand my message.
Since I enjoyed this book so much, one may wonder why it is only a 4 star. The reason is because I wished for more punishment and erotic sex scenes. I would have liked a bit more discipline or discussions of other women being corrected. I also would like to know what happens in the club's discipline room. I do want to commend Ms. Bristol's excellent demonstration of an independent and strong woman who also is a spanked wife. I felt this balance is key. I highly recommend this book to spanking fanatics who enjoy maledom in marriage. I look forward to more domestic discipline books from the talented Ms. Bristol.
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