April-June 2012 Gang Bang Challenge completed
I completed one for everyone and then some...
01. BookAddictRobert's Story- 4/7/2012 ☆☆☆Yuletide Greetings- 6/10/2012 ☆☆Born To Be Punished- 6/8/2012 ☆☆ 02. BrookeChilled to the Bone- 6/8/2012 ☆☆☆Sweet Silence- 4/28/2012 ☆☆☆ 03. KristaYellowstone Wild- 4/7/2012 ☆☆☆Pure Sin- 6/10/2012 ☆☆ 04. JoellenRoom at the Top- 5/23/2012 ☆☆☆☆ Learning A New Discipline Cinderella Club 05. Dee Wy Bound to HimKneel To Me- 5/22/2012 ☆☆☆☆☆ Lucky 13 06. MandyHolden and Yves – The Early Years- 6/16/2012 ☆☆☆Bran's Story- 4/26/2012 ☆☆☆☆☆Master's Dungeon- 6/16/2012 ☆ 07. Vivian Gaelle and JeromeDark Xanadu (Dark Xanadu, #1)- 4/26/2012 ☆☆☆ The Gladiator and the Thief 08. Miss AsimaNew Leather- 5/5/2012 ☆☆☆ The Chosen The Game 09. SassySamiAlways the Quiet Ones- 4/28/2012 ☆☆☆ 10. CarolLee's Story- 6/27/2012 ☆☆☆☆☆ 11. Cy The SexBoss Man- 5/26/2012 ☆☆☆ Out of the Dungeon 12. BeccaReconstructing Meredith- 4/29/2012 ☆☆ 13. TigerLilly Bad Case of Loving YouLearning to Drown- 5/27/2012 ☆☆☆ 14. MelOwning Wednesday- 6/4/2012 ☆☆☆☆Dragon's Blood- 6/16/2012 ☆☆ 15. RachelPlays Well With Others- 6/9/2012 ☆☆☆Schoolgirl Punishments- 5/21/2012 ☆☆☆ 16. Deanna Marked Yours Conquering JudeSweet Perfection- 4/26/2012 ☆☆☆ 17. Dyllan Slave JadeSpankings for My President- 4/29/2012 ☆☆ An Invitation: Alayna's Training