Review: Hard Fall

Hard Fall
Hard Fall by James Buchanan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was pleasantly surprised with this book. I'm always up for spankings and some lovely D/s. This book's focus was neither spankings or D/s. Instead it was a good detective book enhanced with a bit of BDSM. I LOVED IT! It's nice to have BDSM incorporated into a book as something "natural".

Deputy Joe is a complex character I really liked. He wasn't someone I could sympathize with since I'm neither gay nor a Mormon, but I could definitely empathize. His added kinkiness probably didn't help his situation, but this guy is definitely stand up. I have a couple of LDS friends and they resemble Joe quite a bit. They are great people and I really appreciated how Ms. Buchanan showed how they are human too. There are good and bad people anywhere, regardless of a person's chosen religion. This balance Ms. Buchanan provided is an accurate reality.

This is my second book by Ms. Buchanan and I have to say, I'm always learning new things in her books. This time, I learned a lot more about climbing. I already knew a little rudimentary terminology through some simple wall climbing. In this book, the rock climbing aspect really pulled it all together. While it could have been boring and lecturing, she somehow conveyed all the information easily for me to understand and remember. I felt like I took a crash course. I love books that do this!

This book is so enjoyable because she develops her characters so well. The conflicts are very real and how it's handled is easily accepted. It's not a happily ever after which makes this book even better for me. It's realistic and poignant at times. I connected with the characters so well that I didn't even realize this book was in first person until about four chapters in. That takes some skill on the author's part since first person is a pet peeve of mine. She pulled me in from the very first sentence and I enjoyed the entire ride. This m/m romance is recommended for kinky mystery lovers.

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