Review: Clean Sweep

Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Duo authors comprising of Ilona Andrews does it again! This book first came out as a free serial on their website. Every week there would be one or two new passages. It is not a surprise to those who follow me, I hate serials. I like to read my book all in one sitting. However, Clean Sweep captured my attention and helped me savour it over a long period of time.

When a copy of it was completed and offered for review, I jumped up at the chance to read it. Would it be the same or would it be better? It is better!

Author Ilona Andrews designs some of the best worlds. The world building in here is complex and interesting. There is enough detail for readers to picture it all and still want to learn more. This story could easily go so many different directions and be a series all on its own. The characters they create are fabulous. Dina is an average seeming character. She isn't a super powered hero. She isn't a victim of abuse. She's an adult with a past and a focused mission. Her mission? Run an inn with a high star rating. The higher the star, the more customers. The more customers, the higher chance someone will come through the doors with the information she seeks. This is not a short term instant gratification. This is a long term plan with difficult obstacles.

The conflicts in this story are so good. It is meaty and lets a reader sink their teeth into it. The conflicts are believable and multilayer-ed which captivates my mind. What really makes this story so good is the humour and dialog. Ilona Andrews writes some of the best character dialog. It never fails to move me in some manner. Either I'm laughing my butt off or I'm wincing at the cut to the quick. Sometimes they slide in a profound truism which I can't help but admire.

When a man takes up arms, he does so for many reasons. Sometimes to punish, sometimes to intimidate or frighten. But when a woman picks up a women, she means to kill. (location 2717)

I thought about this and I have to agree.

Another reason why I enjoy Ilona Andrews so much is how they weave in romance. It's light and subtle. This story "could" be considered paranormal romance. I don't consider it this way even if there is a love interest. Sean, the werewolf, finds Dina's scent appealing. Their initial encounter may have started out poorly, but it ends with potential. Arland, the vampire, finds Dina's taste to be alluring. Is Dina interested in Arland? Possibly. Regardless, these two males are no pussies. They can hold their own and they are not easily forgotten. The humour in this story sneaks in and attacks in the least expected moments. The comedic timing is perfect. This one passage had me laughing while tipping my hat off at the authors for poking fun of the genre they are writing in.

"I suggest you give up now. According to my research, in a vampire-werewolf love triangle, the vampire always gets the girl." [Arland]

"Is that so?" Sean asked.

"It is." (location 3009)

This paranormal fantasy is highly recommended to everyone. There is a quest, love, betrayal, killing and alpha men, what more could a fantasy reader want?

*I received this book as a review copy in return for an honest review

View all my reviews


      Clean Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #1)




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