Review: Real Boys

Real Boys
Real Boys by Nica Berry

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Romance Review

Did you say tentacle sex? For kinky readers who love space opera and tentacle sex, this is the book for you! Buy this book now. Ms. Berry is a new-to-me author and if she continues to write deviant alien sex, I'm ready to read them all. In fact, I'll be first in line.

This twisted tale is more than just tentacle porn. Ms. Berry does a nice job of creating a world with different aliens. Hopefully she will write more in this world and provide more hawt erotica with good character development and a sweet plot. Because above all, this story is a romance.

Jordeth is a whore specializing in sex with aliens. The way he became a rent boy is disturbing and easy to believe. Jordeth's hard limit is sex with humans. Unfortunately for him, Ryal, the advertisement for a perfect modified human is sent to recruit him.

This story is built in layers with how the characters came to be. Ms Berry does a wonderful job of showing the emotions and thoughts of the characters. They become real with the hardships they have suffered and continue to suffer. The non-con in this story is very clear. Because it's clear and involves kinky creature bondage sex, it's smoking hawt. The different ways the aliens penetrate and use their animalistic body parts is unique. It generates a bit of adrenaline. The fear incites more arousal in a perverted reader.

This is more than just kinky sex. There is a plot. The way Ryal wrestles with his humanity is beautiful. The nod to the story of Pinocchio is apropros. Ryal is the focus of the story. It's his journey and how his decisions can impact others. When it comes down to it, the story is about what is ethically right and how does one make a difference in another's life. Ryal starts as the villain and grows into a hero. It's moving and touching.

This m/m space opera is highly recommended to those who love the subtle message of paying it forward.

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      Real Boys




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