Review: The Two Gentlemen of Altona

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Doing the right thing sometimes makes life complicated. Henry Page is a seemingly sweet college boy staying with an older lady. Some people think he is conning her out of money with sex. This is half true. However, the way Henry charms people out of their money is not exactly a con nor exactly illegal. The problem is when he witnesses a murder by a wanted criminal. He wants no part of testifying. His good deed was calling the cops and reporting it. Special Agent Ryan McGuinness, aka Mac, feels differently. He is going to nail this criminal and Henry is going to help him, even if it kills him.
This story is humorous and different than what I'm used to from Ms. Henry and Ms. Rock. The two main characters are opposites. Mac is a stand-up guy who is made to look like a fool multiple times by Henry. A reader who tends to take life seriously and is responsible will feel bad for Mac. Mac is stuck with irreverent criminal who lies easier than he breathes. Duo authors do a great job of creating the odd couple. Henry is annoying and though he seems to be someone with a sad past, I'm not sure I care. Henry is the kind of person who grates on my nerves. He takes and doesn't give. He is self-centered and deludes himself as being a loyal friend. He seems to be running from something which is not yet revealed. This should generate sympathy but honestly, I kept hoping he would be killed so that Mac could receive a bit of reprieve. It should be interesting to see how Henry can be redeemable.
The plot of this story is interesting and I do want to find out what happens next. This first book is just a teaser setting up for the next one. The characters are in place, the conflict is building and the plot is thickening. The ending is a cliffhanger. It makes a reader want to read the next book immediately. Recommended for romantic suspense readers who enjoy an ornery male driving a sane man to drink.
*provided by NetGalley
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