Book Review: Bittersweet Deceit

Bittersweet Deceit (Bound by Your Love, #2)Bittersweet Deceit by Blakely Bennett

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

3.5 star book and it's good follow up to the first in this series.  Ms. Bennett pens another dirty tale of "it's complicated".

Lainie... please...

Mason is a selfish asshat and he's no good for you.  Seriously, he's a broken person who obviously doesn't understand the concept of poly.  He can have it all, if he would just work it out with his wife to be in a poly.  But no, it's this whole messed up serial mistress need of his.

Ms. Bennett excels at creating horrible characters.  Seriously, I've read three of her books so far and I have to say, either she's run into some of the scummiest jerks around or her friends have.  It's not to say she is a femi-nazi showing how all males need their nuts cut off, it's more she shows the good, bad and ugly of relationships.  Some of these men are excellent example of what to avoid when picking a lover.  Then she adds in a divine male specimen, Stay.

Stay is the one and I can't for the life of my understand why Lainie would want Mason.  Stay is sexy, single and their chemistry is pretty darn hawt.  Ms. Bennett provides steaming sex scenes.  It's interesting that Mason finally starts treating Lainie better when he realizes he has competition.  But really, what did he think would happen?  This guy is so out of touch with reality it's unbelievable.

I must admit, I'm not one for the drama lamas yet something about Ms. Bennett's writing, I'm okay with it.  I actually enjoy it.  Because make no mistakes, these books are drama ridden complete with an insane wife.  Not to give a spoiler about this book, but Mason's wife possesses bigger balls than he does.  Maybe she should put on a strap-on and peg him regularly.  Perhaps then he could be less of a jerk and function better.

This is a roller-coaster ride of emotions as Lainie is pulled in different directions.  Ultimately, she is the one who has to decide what she really wants.  The characters in this book are all too human with their flaws.  The sex is great.  The conflicts are Jerry Springer style yet pulled off with elegance.  Recommended for those who enjoy erotic angst.

*Given by the author for an honest review

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