Review: Paradise Planet

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It's official; Ms. Alvarez is my official go-to for unique fantasy erotica. PARADISE PLANET is definitely a sexual haven. For those who enjoy sex scenes after sex scenes, this book is for you. For those who don't, move along and avoid this book altogether. This story definitely makes it into my spank-bank.
This Paradise planet seems to be modeled after the Hippie's free love movement. There is close to no downtime from the gang banging permutations. It also seems pulling a train in this society is all good because bodily fluids taste delicious. This could easily been a porn without plot book. Some readers may feel this way but I disagree. There is enough world building, which brings up good questions even when the earthlings' brains are addled with too much sex. The mystery behind this perfect sex colony of free love is revealed and somewhat resolved yet leave an opening for a follow up book. One can only hope Ms. Alvarez will write a sequel to this book.
This story flows well and is an easy read. The dialog may come across a little cheesy like a porn flick, but really, it's charming. It's charming because Paradise's inhabitants are in a Garden of Eden with no jealousy, abundance of food and possess a sweet innocence. This is kind of how I imaged Eden to be if the serpent didn't convince Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.
Ms. Alvarez's creative interpretation and representation of fantasies and desires is fabulous. She takes something so familiar and makes it her own with an erotic twist. Her sex scenes are flaming hot and feel fresh every time. She possesses the gift of storytelling. Her characters may not be complex and her world building may be light, but her writing voice is stellar.
I see her books and it's an auto buy for me. I know I'm going to enjoy it from beginning to end. Her books are filled with humour, sex and a sort of hedonistic pleasure without any guilt. This is probably why I enjoy them so much. PARADISE PLANET is for erotic readers who love sex and want to read about it.
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