Review: Sons of Earth

Sons of Earth Sons of Earth by James Cox
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Romance Review

Returning to the Martian world of the Outlaw MC, this series kicks it off with the sons of the Outlaw members. Mars is the only place they know. It is their home and they don't know anything different. They also enjoy the good life with their parents paving the way. This may be why Arie acts out. His life is easy with little to no adversity. He's been indulged all his life and whilst he isn't abusive, he is bored. This is evident with the senseless trouble he gets into. This latest one is a doozy. Somehow, he and his best friend, Kavin set off a spaceship and end up landing on Earth. Earth is an environment they have never been prepared for and it shows.

Mr. Cox adds levity to this story with boys seeing and experiencing rain for the first time. To see lush landscaping and abundant water is rather heady. This is returning to paradise… with the exception of a tentacle monster who wants to chomp down on a human meal. What I enjoyed most about this story is Arie's responses to all the new experience. Mr. Cox does an excellent job of showing how scary and awe-inspiring the things that we take for granted can be. This story is more than just a re-discovery of their home planet. It is a sexual discovery for Arie as he learns he may be more like his father than he thought.

The sexy time is graphic and erotic. Mr. Cox's manlove is usually kinky, rough and dirty - just how I enjoy it. This tale is no exception. The tentative exploration as Arie and Kavin play Adam and Eve in their Garden of Eden starts out sweet and guilty. By the end of the book, it is no holds bar sexy shenanigans. This does lead to an amusing race for their life sans clothing. This spin-off erotic series is recommended for kinky m/m romance readers who like bad boys.


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