Review: The Billionaire and the Wild Man
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Funny, sweet and endearing, this book is perfect for a little pick me up. Caroline is the billionaire in this story and it's nice to see how Ms. Felthouse plays it out. Usually, when a woman makes more than a man, the man can't handle it. In this scenario, the woman makes a lot more and the man is no virgin boy toy. Instead, Flynn is a battle scarred veteran who is AWOL. Can this mix get any worse? Why yes it can!
What happened to Flynn breaks my heart a little. And who knows how many men and women in the service have experienced something similar? This is soul crushing and gives this story a bit more emotional oomph. Whilst Flynn and Caroline's situations are wildly different, they are able to bond over their feelings of being out of control. Because essentially, this is what is going on for both of them. They both are overwhelmed in their situation and they broke. They checked out of life in some ways. Finding each other is the catalyst to bring them back. This slow and unconventional courtship is sweet and fun. There are times where the past comes to haunt them but overall, this is an uplifting story. And the sexual chemistry between the two of them is hawt as to be expected from talented Ms. Felthouse.
The conclusion came quite quickly and felt a little too pat. Still, the ending is satisfying in many ways. Caroline's relationship with her mother is and Flynn and Caroline's relationship starting anew. This is a lovely romance recommended for erotic readers who enjoy unlikely lover pairings.
*I received this book as a review copy in return for an honest review