Review: Cinderella: The Brothers Grimm Story Told as a Novella

Cinderella: The Brothers Grimm Story Told as a Novella Cinderella: The Brothers Grimm Story Told as a Novella by Mike Klaassen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Gentler than Brothers Grimm yet darker than Disney, Author Mike Klaassen freshes up a beloved fairy tale for a longer bedtime story. In the original Brothers Grimm, the story is a bit shorter and much bloodier. As a fan of the original Brothers Grimm, this tale is not what I expected. Quite frankly, I thought it was going to be an erotically charged adult fantasy. I was dead wrong.

Instead, this is a lengthier telling of Cinderella with a bit of witchy twist. The characters are not fully developed. The stepmother and step-sisters are still as shallow as ever and a bit one dimensional. A nice historical element added gives this story a little bit more realistic flavour. Although the magic part does relegate it back to fairy tale status.

I liked Ella in this story. She does the best she can with what little she knows of herself. She is sweet and brave even after being beaten down. She could have become a horrible vindictive person. This is a quick read that is recommended for all ages.

* Review copy provided via Reading Alley for an honest review. 


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