Review: Losing It

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Too cute for words, Finn Miller is the awkward guy who is so sweet. I just want to take him under my wing and protect him. As the reader gets to know Finn and his idiosyncrasies better, it is hard not to fall a bit in love with Finn. He is loyal, smart and possess an ever optimistic outlook. He is the kind of guy who would never let their friend down. His crush on Leo was interesting. When this book takes a turn when Finn meets Justin, the story starts to get really good. I have not read the first three books in this series and it was still easy for me to pick up the tie ins from previous books.
Justin is a guy who has hit rock bottom. Things he's down has burned so many bridges and he never prepared for the day when it all came crashing down on him. Maybe if I had read Faking It, I would have been predisposed to not like Justin in this book. Since I did not, I felt for Justin. He is a guy who realized a little too late, he put all his eggs in the wrong basket. Luckily for him, he did have one little egg placed with his old friend, Grady. Grady's support allows Justin to rebuild his life and more importantly, find that someone who makes it all work for him.
The estrangement or distance between child and parent in this story is a recurring theme for Ms. d'Ado's stories. It makes a reader wonder if perhaps in real life, she's experienced this first hand and her stories are ways to explore possible reconciliation endings. This subplot aside, the Cyrano de Bergerac plot is well done. At times Justin's recommendations and Finn's execution are hilarious. Other times, Justin's wistful yearning is painful to witness. The ups and downs of emotions is what makes this story so good. This m/m romance is recommended to readers who enjoy friends to lover themes.
*provided by Netgalley