Review: Wicked Attraction

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Recommended to read these books in order. I read the second one before the first. This is the first book of Ms. Hart that did nothing for me. It was just okay. I'm used to having internal conflict with the characters. Something tortuously poignant which makes me sad is what I expect. For this one, maybe because I didn't read the first book, it did not pull me in.
This story was hard to get into. Since Nina has a sort of amnesia, she didn't remember Ewan. The chemistry or relationship between these two don't do much for because because I didn't really see the love. It is clear Ewan is torn about Nina and wants to do everything for her. Nina trying to regain her memory and figure out answers to her questions made her seem distant. For a romance novel, this left me a bit cold and disengaged.
The main plot is about fixing these "bionic" people. It seems there is a conspiracy that continues to cause problems and I find, I'm not surprised by the direction it goes. Unfortunately, I don't care what happens to Nina either. I am going to go back to read the first book in hopes it makes me change my mind about this series.
*provided by Netgalley