Review: Blue Motel Room

Blue Motel Room Blue Motel Room by Tymber Dalton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Avril Lavigne sang, "Why do you have to go make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated", she was talking about Eve and Kimbra. When it comes to making a slight mistake that has long term impacts, these two are definitely up there as doozies. To be frank, reading the blurb gave me a slight idea of what would happen. Within the first few pages, that sinking feeling in my stomach became the size of a boulder.

I really like Ron. He was in a few of the previous books in this series and this little mishap felt out of the blue with Eve. Dr. Ivan meeting up with Kimbra for some BD then ending up going more than he expected was a bit surprise. This story flowed well and is predictable in a comforting way. Could the reader guess what was going to happen? Definitely, and from the very beginning of the story. Did each following event happen as a reader may surmise? For me it did. Usually being able to predict what happens makes for a boring read. In this case, it is a comfortable and good feeling because what I hoped would happen, happened.

Ms. Dalton does a stellar job of creating characters that readers care about. Kimbra's been in a couple of books previously. For her to have her own book and see how her life is disorderly and then made whole… it is a pleasure. The all too real consequences of hooking up can turn into something so good. This quartet, Kimbra, Eve, Ron and Ivan are a perfect set. Learning about how they can all fit together in an unconventional way is so beautiful. This could have easily turned out badly. Luckily, Ms. Dalton believes in happy endings. This erotic romance is recommended to kinky readers who love complicated messy happily ever afters.


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