Review: Demon's Mercy

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Just when I thought this world was done, Ms. Zanetti adds another dimeson to it … literally. This story features Logan Kyllwood who has grown up. He is still young compared to the older generation. Still, his soul seems older based on all the fighting he's been through. He isn't as naïve as his age may indicate. He is still a young horny vampire which allows him to easily fall for a honeypot, Mercy.
This world of Vampires, Demons and Witches just got more interesting with multiple dimensions which can be entered via dreams and portals. This multi-verse interpretation is similar enough to others that it will be easy for readers to follow. It is just different enough to give it a bit of a fresh look. Bringing in the fae to this complicated world of vampires, not-vampires, demons and witches just ups the ante.
The tension between Logan and Mercy works well as the reader is privy to both points of view. By switching back and forth, it creates a more engaging experience. Because now we can see different sides to the story. If only Mercy would be able to tell it to Logan straight instead of beating around the bush with "secrets" she can't exactly reveal about the world, the story would be less frustrating. Still, without this conflict, the story would be over too quickly. Mercy's understanding of the different worlds also creates another layer to this complex world. It give the reader a glimpse into the multi-dimensional world and it opens up more questions. I can't wait to read more about it.
The story moves at a fast pace with the right amount of action. The struggle between Logan and Mercy as they end up joining forces is amusing at times and irritating. Amusing because Logan is so good at taking Mercy's insulting manner. Irritating because Mercy comes across as a know it all and she really doesn’t. She does have information that Logan needs and yet she is petty enough to pretend to be better. This did make me like Mercy a bit less. Still, the two of them together generate sparks that can not be denied.
This paranormal romance is recommended to everyone. It is a fun time and a new direction.
*provided by NetGalley