Review: The Importance of Being Scandalous

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Historical romances were how I first started with my taboo romance readings. The forbidden fruit my mother kept from me only made it that much sweeter. Starting with Barbara Cartland back when I was a tender age of 13, my how the genre grown. Full disclosure, this book is a prize from a Shameless 2018 spoon game. I had to force myself to pick up the book because I had long left the historical romance world. Unless there is kinky scenes or m/m lovers, I tend to shy away from this genre. To my pleasant surprise, I really enjoyed new to me author, Ms. Bell.
This story has all the elements I enjoyed in this genre - class crossed lovers, bluestocking female and an unconventional male. Meet Amelia and Nicholas - childhood friends who want to be more. Their crush grows over the years and when Nicholas goes for his travels and returns, he comes back a man that Amelia loves even more. Unfortunately, she is otherwise engaged... literally to another man. This plot device is a tried and true one for historical romances. Ms. Bell does a lovely job with this obstacle. Nicholas's sweet fumbling ways changes as he becomes more certain of what he wants. The help from his scandalous friend does make a difference - or shall we say a bad yet beneficial influence. Amelia may want to do some scandalous things, but at heart, she is proper girl who strains at the edicts of a patriarchal society.
The adventures or mishaps depending on a person's viewpoint in this story are fun and amusing. Fortunately nothing too bad happens. Mostly because Amelia's foolhardiness and lack of maturity is tempered by two caring men. All I can say is Nicholas has his hands full with Amelia. And perhaps a bit of domestic discipline would help for a less exciting yet still fulfilling married life.
This historical romance is recommend to all readers who enjoy poking fun at conventions.