Review: Strangers She Knows

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A crazy end to an action packed thriller, Kellen needs to fight for her life… again. This book should not be read as a standalone. It is best to read the first two books in the series. For a better experience, read the short stories in between each novel. In this story, the final showdown is here. Kellen's past once again comes to haunt her.
When two men who are not gay share an obvious love for each other… it is called a bromance. In this story, I'm not sure what to call it, because Kellen's killer is in love with her in some ways … more of a creepy stalker fan girl crush. When it comes to obsessions, Kellen's female fan does a marvelous job of showcasing the lengths a person will go through to get their heart's desire. And once again, we see how "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". I seem to be reading more books where women scorned have gone off the deep end. Not sure if this is a coincidence or if it is the latest trend re-emerging after Glenn Close made it popular in the movie, "Fatal Attraction".
This story is predictable in many ways. My stomach is in knots because both Kellen and her husband Max make several decisions that lead them down to the path they end up on… crazy killer loose on an island no one can escape from. It is as if Kellen who was previously so brilliant had a major series of brain farts. I can understand her decision to want to protect her young daughter. Still, her daughter is more mature and can handle the truth. By keeping people in the dark, it caused more problems. I anticipated each of the problems and I was not surprised by any events that occurred in this story. This is a departure from the first two books which contained more plot twists. Even with the predictable turn of events, this story is a page turner. It is an enjoyable rollercoaster ride. Ms. Dodd keeps the suspense at just the right tension to keep a reader engaged from the first to the last page. This thriller is recommended to suspense readers who enjoy chaos, crazy stalkers and action.
*provided by NetGalley