Review: Shattered Bonds

Shattered Bonds@HunterFaith #Mustread #bookreview #buyitnow #lovedit #5Star
Shattered Bonds by Faith Hunter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Buy this book now. Read it now! Shattered Bonds takes place a bit after the Dark Queen. For those who have not read the Dark Queen, read that book first. This is not a standalone book. Reading the series in the order it was written will give the best experience. Shattered Bonds is a story about finding all the broken pieces and somehow putting all back together. In the last book, Dark Queen, a pivotal event occurred which shattered this dedicated reader. My heart stopped as the unbelieve happened. Broken, I was not sure I could read the next book if some "magic doesn't happen".

For readers holding on to hope that Ms. Hunter pulls a "Chloe Neill", keep on hoping. I know I will. I loved this book because Beast is front and center. She is a character I love. She's straightforward and hides very little. The way Ms. Hunter creates Beast as a distinct individual yet so tightly entwined with Jane is fabulous. For me, it is like having a best friend who always has your back, always with you. That is how I view Beast in her relationship with Jane. Where can I find my Beast?

There are many different relationship bonds in this tale which have been shattered. All of them are tragic to me. For those who enjoy going through a cathartic journey, this book will capture your attention and keep you riveted through the end. And then hook you in some more and wonder when the next book in the series will be published. What I like about Jane's character is how she stays true to herself. She isn't superwoman. She isn't wonder woman. She possesses powers unlike most others yet she still makes mistakes. She still has weaknesses which are exploited. She isn't all knowing or all powerful. Her magic comes at a price. There is no magic wand to make everything better. This story shows the trials and tribulations she must get through to do the right thing. That is the heart of Jane. She always wants to do the right thing. She is uninterested in power unless it is used for her to protect the people she loves. Or protect the people who she and Beast consider hers.

In the beginning when readers first met Jane, it was an easy feat for her to protect her own. Jane's circle of trust basically contained her witchy best friend and her family. Now, as the Dark Queen, her circle expands past states and into multiple continents. And sometimes, when this happens, swift punishment and cruelty is needed. Whilst it would be great to be a benevolent queen, reality is that ruthlessness is what keeps the peace among the predators. This is completely against Jane's nature. Watching her struggle and grow into her Queenship is painful to watch. She makes so many mistakes that I wanted to slap her upside the head. The thing is, Jane realizes she made grave errors in judgement and now she's doing her best to fix them. Will it be a little too late? We shall see.

This tales is more than just tragedy, torture and tears. Beast's perspectives brings a dry sense of humour at all the right times. Jane's ability to laugh at herself even in the most dire of circumstances balances out the heavy scenes. There are a bit too few scenes between Jane and Bruiser. Most of it fades to black behind closed doors. And I'm okay with this because this series has always been more urban fantasy than paranormal romance.

There are so many scenes in this story I bookmarked as re-reads. Ms. Hunter weaves another fantastic tale of intrigue, power struggles and sacrifice for the greater good. Her world building continues as readers learn more about "dragons" and rifts. Characters continue to gain depth as they go through new experiences and grow. This book is a tale of recovery and setting us up for the next big showdown. There is no rest for the wicked. I highly recommend this urban fantasy for readers who enjoy the underdog fighting to save the world.

For readers who love Beast as much as I do or more, check on my blog on October 24, 2019 for a bit of a treat.

*provided by NetGalley  


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