Review: Flame

Flame (Dark Kings #17)Flame by Donna Grant

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Will this series ever bring the long lost dragons home? I am starting to give up hope and yet I'm glad it hasn't happened because I thoroughly enjoy this series. I don't want it to end. In the latest installment, Cain is the latest Dragon King to find his mate. Does it really need to be a dark Fae who is mixed up with the "others"?

The reason why humans, druids and fae are here on Earth is finally confirmed in this story. The main villainess is also exposed and brought down a few pegs. This story reminds me a bit of the movie Inception. It isn't a dream with in a dream, more like a nightmare within a nightmare for Noreen. The similarity is how the double crossing is within a double cross within a double cross. Confused? Don't be. Ms. Grant pens a lovely twisted tale of betrayal. It does make Noreen question her sanity and if Cain should be with her.

I enjoyed this plot within a plot within a plot writing device. It kept me on my toes and guessing. It also shows how complex Ms. Grant has built this world and gives it an added suspense. I can't wait to see what happens next. I just know that it will be an enjoyable ride with a bit of heartbreak mixed with sweet love.

Recommended for dragon lovers and romance readers who love a happily ever after ending.

*provided by Edelweiss


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