Review: Smoke Bitten

Smoke Bitten (Mercy Thompson, #12)Smoke Bitten by Patricia Briggs

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Mercy, I'm starting to think your short name is fitting. In the latest book in this series, Mercy needs a break. The pack is being attacked from inside and out. Adam is cursed. What else can go wrong? Or right, Mercy now has a stalker... a paranormal one.

There is a lot going on in this story and I loved how Mercy was being pulled in so many directions. This hectic pace which ratchets up my anxiety keeps me on edge. What bad thing is going to happen next? Mercy never seems to get a break. I did like the blending of an old folkore into this story. I guessed pretty early on who the villain was and its name. I'm pleased I'm right.

This book feels like it is building upon an arc started in the last book. There are tie-ins with Adam's curse, a coven that wants Mercy dead and an inadvertent "hook" into another dangerous vampire. It seems as if more questions are asked than answered. It feels like there is an ominous force working against Mercy and her pack that is yet to be fully understood. It is identified, but not enough information is forthcoming.

What I like about this series is how Mercy is not perfect. And for the most part, she is a diplomatic nightmare. Yet her integrity and the standards she holds to be right versus wrong earns her grudging respect and powerful allies. In a world of sugar coated lies and hidden truths, Mercy is a breath of fresh air with her direct manner. She wants to solve problems, save her friends and her loyalty is limitless. And even with everything she does, people still crap on her and treat her as lesser. This is so frustrating realistic. I kind of just want them to lose Mercy for a while and see really how well they do. She may be chaos, but she is a wildcard that turns a badly dealt hand into a winning hand. I can't wait to see what happens next to Mercy. How many "lives" has she burned through?

Recommended to paranormal romance readers who love scrappy underdogs saving the day.


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