Review: Before Nightfall

Before Nightfall (Maximum Security #2.5)Before Nightfall by Kat Martin

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A novella between book 2 and 3, the Maximum Security series continues with a tangent looking at one of the employees instead of the brothers. This book can be read as a standalone. For better understanding of this world, it is best to read the first two books in the series.

This novella features every divorced parent's nightmare, their ex-spouse kidnapping their child and taking the child away from them. Lissa's friend, Julie made the mistake of not informing her kids about their father. Without this vital piece of information, Julie's son is easily tricked into going with his father. I never understood the appeal of keeping people "in the dark" for their own protection. I have found it to only benefit the person who knows and keeps quiet. Regardless, Lissa immediately dives in to help find Julie's son.

Enter Colt, a former military, he and Lissa go way back. He also conveniently is visiting Julie's son is taken. Colt and Lissa's interaction are a bit awkward at first with mistaken assumptions on Lissa's part. From there, the story turns into seduction over searching for the kid. Ms. Martin does a good job of inserting sex during plausible wait times whilst searching for the kid. Colt and Lissa's sexual chemistry is sweet if a bit fast. This quick hook up possibly induced by stress and fear for the child could possible turn into something more. The story leaves it with romantic possibilities months later. Overall, this is a short little story to tide a reader over until the next full book comes out.

*provided by NetGalley


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