Review: Beneath the Scars

Beneath the Scars Beneath the Scars by Cherise Sinclair
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Judging a book by its cover can sometimes cause a beautiful lost opportunity. Full disclosure, I have a thing for bad boys and I find scars to be sexy, not a turn off.  This book hits me in all the right places.  Holt is a guy who on the surface is possibly dangerous. Looks do make an impression because sometimes, how one looks does give an indication of how they lived.  Holt has lived a hard life.

Josie has also lived a hard life.  A single pregnant teenage mother is not easy.  The fact that she is able to build a home for her son is an accomplishment.  Finding a job that pays well at a slightly out of the normal bar is eye opening for Josie.  I like how she is open minded and is a bit sassy too.  Her interactions with the different subs and doms in Shadowlands is just the right manner to fit in.  With such a pleasant introduction to kink, how can she not be enticed to try it out?

This is a heartwarming story of sexual re-awaking for Josie.  As well as a healing love story for Holt whose been tossed aside as damaged goods.  Last but not least, it is a tale of family bonding as three people find they way to become father, mother and son by their choice.  I loved this sweet kinky romance and highly recommend it to readers who love their happily ever afters.


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