Review: Elusive Hero

Elusive Hero
@JoeyWHill #bookreview
Elusive Hero by Joey W. Hill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Where is this Eden?  This is the place I would love to work.  Reading this book makes me want to not only visit the island but live there.  I realize this is shared world between many authors.  Visiting Ms. Hill's vision is magical in more ways than one.

On this isle, almost anything goes.  I did classify this as a GlitterKink because of the exclusiveness and the fact that it takes a lot of money to be able to be part of this club.  The BDSM in this story is accurate and realistic.  I enjoyed it.  Garron is the human who will be the dominant to Kaela.  This is verboten in the Vampire world because vampires are never submissive to humans.  This is a death sentence for Kaela if it were to come out.  Her deviant desires places her and every vampire and servant in her territory at risk.

This tale doesn't magically fix Kaela's situation. It gives her food for thought.  It also gives her a way to test out how she would handle having a human servant that is dominant to her.  I liked this twist as it isn't an easy one to work through.  The fears Kaela has in her mind are valid and very plausible scenarios.  The sexual torment vampires like to visit on their servants is not for the meek or alpha. How will this all work out?  This story doesn't show how it ends up, but what will come.

What I liked is exploring the emotional aspects of BDSM instead of just the tools and toys.  This one is more psychological and about submission rather than the sensation of being beaten, flogged, etc.  Working through an erotic power exchange is not easy.  When someone is dominant in their work life, it can be a problem if others will not respect a submissive in their personal life.  How many times does this happen in the real world?  Much too often!

For those who have never read the Vampire series from talented Ms. Hill, this is a good taste to welcome you into this erotic world.  This novella is recommended to kinky readers who enjoy D/s and some rough pleasure.


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