Review: The Enforcer

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
This big bad enforcer, Oleg is a really a big teddy bear. Oleg is a the stoic quiet type. As we learn about his life and how he grew up, my heart weeps for him. Without providing spoilers, Oleg grew up in a tough area, found a person he looked up to and was loyal to ... which netted him an unjustified prison sentence and cut out tongue. Betrayal from the one you trust is one of the most painful experiences.
Story's life isn't as difficult yet it was no walk in the park. I find it interesting how two damaged people can find what works for them and create a relationship meeting my motto. Sweet pain with rough pleasure. Although in this instance it may be more gentle pain with rough pleasure. What I enjoyed most about this story is Story and Oleg's interaction. It is as if Story finally woke Oleg out of his self exile. What do I mean by this?
Up until now, Oleg only texted answers and kept to himself, even with his Bratva family. With Story who is a singer and expresses herself with her voice, lyrics and melody ... this is incomprehensible. Story is the catalyst to force Oleg out of his shell. I did wonder about Oleg and why he didn't learn sign language. Did his Bravta "brothers" not care enough? Seems like they did, but they didn't know how to get through to Oleg. Communicating with Story is all the motivation Oleg needs. It is sweet and so romantic.
This story is more than an erotic romance. This is about closing out old chapters, cutting off toxic ties and new beginnings. I enjoyed the character development, specifically how Oleg and Story needed to work through their baggage and communicate when Oleg couldn't speak. This series is getting better and better. Can't wait to see what happens in the next book.
* I received a book from Give me Books. No review was requested, I wrote one anyways.