Review: Worth It

Worth It
@CBYauthor @RiptideBooks #WorthIt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

New to me author Ms. Young blows me away with this first book.  Worth It is smooth, deep and generates a feel good emotion.  At heart, this is a "rent-boy" theme with Elliott selling his body to earn enough money to pay for his schooling.  There is a bit of a twist to Elliot's client list that makes this story a bit more complicated.

What I loved about this story is how it shows people at their best and worst.  It also shows how some people live and it does not preach about it nor does try to normalize it. What we receive is a boy who suffered through the loss of his mother.  The hardships of medical bills are all too real.  He finds a way to realize his dream.  Whilst most may scoff that his dream is to get a "useless" history degree so he can teach it, I am not so quick to judge his degree as useless.  I like how Elliot even labeled his degree this way and misconception is corrected by others in this book.  It is all perception - if something is worth it or not.  If Elliot can find gainful employment teaching what he is passionate about, what is so wrong about this?

This story wrestles with several philosophical themes.  Ms. Young does a wonderful job of showing both sides and letting the reader make their own decisions.  I enjoy how unbias this book comes across to me.  Because now it can generate thoughtful discussions and musings.  In addition, the story avoids vilifying Elliot and sexy Aiden.  There is only one secondary character painted as the "bad guy". 

This book kept me riveted from start to finish.  I highly recommend this to mm readers who enjoy a character progression storyline.

* A review copy was provided to me by Riptide Books.  


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