Review: Seduced by the Storm

Seduced by the Storm by Sydney CroftMy rating: 3 of 5 stars
Seduced is right. I have forgotten that the ACRO books have some straight up erotica. There is kind of a plot in this book. Wyatt and Faith are racing to find a secret weapon that is of interest to both their organizations. At least this is the focus of the book. I'm a little windblown and tossed between their story, Dev & Oz, Remy & Haley, and finally Creed & Anna. Suffice to say, there is sexy times for all.
Even with all the sex scenes, it didn't feel as though it was gratuitous sex. They fit in be it slow and sultry or rough and primal. Even with the danger and suspense, the sex slipped in nice and smooth. It is hard for me to tell which author wrote which piece in this book. Had not known this is two different writers coming together, I would not have guessed.
The pace of this book is a bit slow for me at times. I think it is because there were multiple subplots and I felt as if I came in halfway each time. This could probably be read as a standalone. I read the 1st book and missed the one right before this one. So perhaps it would be better to read these in order. There are many secondary characters and they all command attention. Flitting from one relationship drama to the next didn't satisfy me as much.
The main question in this story is what to do with a weapon that has the potential to do so much good for the world but in the wrong hands could create mass destruction. I liked how the opposing sides presented their cases. Some were based on personal emotion and experience. Others tried to do straight on logic yet left out pertain facts. These what-if scenarios are interesting. It once again demonstrates, "This is why we can't have nice things". The ability for humans to go evil with just a little bit of temptation is too high. Humans are weak.
This psychic suspense is recommended for erotic romance lovers who enjoy happily for now endings.