Review: The Raven Queen

The Raven Queen

The Raven Queen by CJ Veil
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is billed as a hot erotic romance... which is why I had it tagged for this blog.  My sexy kinky blog which handles erotica for those who are not faint of heart. Well, this is a paranormal romance, I'm just not sure where the erotic part came in.  I nearly had bang-iexty for the first 20% of the book.  Let's just say, the erotic parts are light and sort of fade to black for me.  

This book was a bit of a hard read for me for the first maybe 60 to 75%.  I nearly gave it a 2 star.  I am glad I continued on.  There are some good elements to this story.  It seems to be lost between two competing voices.  Or I should say, two directions to the story that didn't exactly mesh together that well.  The romance part of this is between Allison and Kayl.  

There isn't enough of a relationship built up between the two.  Just an incomprehensible lust and want of Allison by Kayl.  Allison is described as special but really, from her attributes and what she can do?  She's just a poor little rich girl with too much time on her hands.  She is two-dimension when she could be so much more.  Kayl's character starts out well created and his actions are decent.  He is also languishing in the character development area.  

The plot of this book could be tightened up.  The concept of it with Queens and involving a chess board is fresh and I like it. This could be explored a bit more.  The vampire lore and mythos used here are a bit of an interesting twist and could have been developed a bit more.  I understand the first half of the book is to create the setup but it felt overly long and at times I lost interest and had to put the book down.  Near the end of the book, the conflict picks up and Allison starts to shine a bit more.  This is a sweet happily ever after romance recommended to paranormal romance readers who enjoy lavish complex games.

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