Review: Fetish: An Erotic Romance Omnibus

Fetish: An Erotic Romance Omnibus
#ThisYearTuesday #Fetish #NetGalley
Fetish: An Erotic Romance Omnibus by Anonymous
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A surprise gem hiding amongst my books, I loved this collection.  I only wish I knew who some of the writers were so I could follow them or see if there are more stories they have written.  I picked this book up on a lark because I'm running out of erotic/sexy books to review on this blog.  The blurb for this book doesn't do it justice.  This is a wealth of unique, provocative, and deliciously erotic stories. I enjoyed every single one of them.

What catches my attention about each story is the time period for the story.  This is why I categorized it as historical.  Each of these short erotica pieces is set around the late 1800s.  The stories cover a wide range of sexual orientations and fetishes.  I particularly enjoyed a woman diagnosed with infertility due to "hysteria" and needed to visit a doctor to help her overcome it.  

There are so many delightful fetishes in this collection for those who enjoy sexual expression and freedom.  This may be a bit overwhelming for the vanilla crowd.  For those of us who are pansexual switches, these tales will titillate and arouse. What is also pleasing for me is the writing style.  There is a refined elegance to these stories.  It reminds me of a publishing company from the late 90s that specialized in well-written erotica.  The characters are well-formed; the plot is well defined and the sex scenes were tantalizing.  I wish there would be more erotica written in this fashion.  If another omnibus is created in this style, I will definitely want to read it.  

I highly recommend this erotic collection to kinky readers who enjoy all matters of hedonistic pleasure.

*provided by NetGalley


Kira W said…
Hello mate nice bblog

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