Review: Smolder


#Smolder #NetGalley 

Smolder by Laurell K. Hamilton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A lot to unpack here for me.  With the last book in the series, I eagerly looked forward to seeing Anita getting married.  If that is what you believe will happen in the book, wait for the next one.  This one is the pre-wedding set up and there is a new big bad that is here to destroy Anita and her harem of lovers.  This book left me a bit shell shocked would be the best word.  There were characters who completely changed and I feel like I missed a book in between the last one and this one. I had to double check the books and sure enough, I did read the last two.

This book returns to the explicit descriptions of Anita's clothing and shoes.  Make up is also covered in great details, layers upon layers (pun intended).  The insecurities of Anita rear's its ugly head.  Some of the backstory of Anita's childhood finally come to light.  Yes, the little gems I was looking for after reading Obsidian Butterfly and then going to the beginning to read every book to figure out Anita's childhood... it is now displayed in brutal fashion that makes me cringe.  Anita needs therapy and thank goodness she has a good therapist. I am brokenhearted for Anita's childhood after her mother died.  It is horrific.

What I never thought would happen as far as relationships in this series, happened.  To say that I'm stunned and not sure what happened, would be an understatement.  I am going to be extremely vague because I do not want to give spoilers and I would like everyone who loves this series to feel the same jaw dropping, falling out of the seat experience.  The expression on my face when I read through some of the passages here was beyond incredulous.  I felt run over by a train and then said train backed up right over me.  One tidbit I can reveal is that I'm not thrilled with Asher's behaviour in this book again.  

There is so much percolating in my head as to why LKH has changed the relationship dynamics again in this series.  And in such drastic ways after I thought it was beyond repair.  Then some I thought were getting better just crashed and burned.  This book was a very lengthy poly couples therapy session and at the end of it, I was completely drained.  Then the ending gives us a glimpse of Anita's loving family reunion and I just about popped a blood vessel.  Now I'm desperate to read the next book because the family drama is INCREDIBLE and I want to pop some popcorn to watch it.  And I'll be yelling, "oh no she didn't! Lordy, lordy, lordy, nuh uh... mm, mm, mm.  Shameful!"  

That aside, yes there is some sex in this book.  It is the LONGEST drawn out sex scene.  At one point even a character in the book jokes how Anita is a boner killer.  This is a book long edging scene with Anita's brain going overdrive in analysis paralysis and left me dry... so dry.  I am so mixed with this book.  I looked forward to it and I couldn't wait to read it.  After reading this book, all I can say is that it is a recommended book for fans of this series.  It is a bit of a bridge or filler for perhaps the next book.  Your mileage may vary.




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