Review: Mirror Secret Mirror

Mirror Secret Mirror

Mirror Secret Mirror by Jessica Seaques
My rating: Unrated

I have wrestled with this book review.  The author contacted me for a review.  The book premise sounded intriguing.  When I first started it, it came across a bit clunky, almost like a Literotica fiction piece.  It quickly becomes apparently that the story is an aspiring author writing a fictional piece for a writing contest.  Now I'm very intrigued.

This quickly moved into my spank bank stories within a few chapters.  The sexy interaction between a shy "wife" and her husband's mistress is totally hawt.  I like cuckqueen stories so this works for me.  After a few chapters, the story becomes a bit messy.  Is it Jessica's reality as a pay for story writer? Or is it Jessica the wifey?  The first couple of times switching back and forth were pretty fun.  After a while, the storyline switching became confusing and chaotic.  I didn't like it.

I will say, the erotic scenes in this book are good and totally spank bank material for me.  The plot becomes messy and I am starting to lose interest.  The only thing keeping me going is the sex scenes between Jessica's out of control life. The ending is frankly odd.  I feel like we've jumped the shark.  I won't provide spoilers but suffice to say, it makes me wonder if this entire book is a gimmick to poke fun at the readers.  Not in a malicious way, just in an odd sort of contrived drama manner.  Not my cup of tea.

I am leaving this book unrated.  It is unique and it does have a lovely cuckqueen theme.  This book seems to be going in two different directions that do not fully mesh well together. 

*  I received this book for an honest review


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