Review: Electric Idol

Electric Idol


Electric Idol by Katee Robert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow did I miss out when this series came out.  Reading the second book in this series keeps me engaged and wanting more.  I know the original story of Psyche and Eros. This interpretation is even darker and more sinister.  Love it!  Psyche is one of Demeter's four daughters.  She is the perfect IG-esque influencer.  She is so much more.

This series impresses me in how it weaves the Greek mythos with new and fresh reinterpretation.  Ms. Robert does a great job of using current day concepts and slips it into this bubble universe.  I like the questionable timelessness of Olympus here.  Is it during current times?  In the future?  In the past?  One doesn't know because we don't have an exact frame of reference.  This makes the story more timeless for me and that is a good thing.

Second, I love the characters.  I have always found the love story of Psyche and Eros to be tres triste.  This is even more angst filled than the original for me.  The ruthlessness of Aphrodite in this story is glorious. Her ability to manipulate and twist her son into the soulless killer is impressive.  With a mother like her, Eros needs no enemies.  This is why Psyche's kindness to Eros is so foreign and alluring.  I love their interactions.  I especially love Psyche's TSTL moments and yet they don't come across this way.  Because she is so caring at the heart of it.  So far, two of Demeter's daughters are forces to be reckoned with.  I like how Psyche isn't a just a pretty face doomed to be a victim.

Third, the sexy times.  Oohh, the first book may have been BDSM glitterkink.  This one is deliciously sweet kinky with Psyche and Eros burning up the sheets.  Totally enjoyable!  Their chemistry is so good together and I am rooting for them and their hopeless relationship.  I don't see an easy way out of their predicament.

Whilst this enemies to lovers romance is going at full throttle, a glimmer of future bad events show up.  It definitely hooks me into the next book.  Warning, this series may be addictive and the next thing you know, it is the wee hours of the morning and you are suffering a major book hangover.  Enjoy!  Recommended for greek mythos fanatics who like it spicy.


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