Review: Neon Gods

Neon Gods


Neon Gods by Katee Robert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There has been so much hype over this series and specifically this author.  Finally I decided to look into what this is all about.  Well, now I know why there was so much hype.  As a lover of Greek Mythology, my tastes have always run to the darker side.  I mean, the Greek gods here are definitely not benevolent.  When I learned the first story is about Hades and Persephone, I am over the moon.  Hades is my favourite greek god.  In this reinterpretation of Hades' story, I continue to adore him.

This book contains elements of BDSM that are meant to be erotic and exotic.  This is what vanillas think of when people mention BDSM.  Unfortunately for vanillas, this isn't how it is like in real life . . . the majority of the time.  Still, it makes for a great fantasy and spank bank material for all the female readers mooning over Hades.  Smexy times aside, what I found most interesting is how the Greek gods come about in this world.

Mortals become the gods.  Some are through popular vote, some are inherited, and some are fought for to get the position.  I'm impressed with this fresh new look into how a god is "born".  I like this concept and Ms. Robert is a fine storyteller.  Or should I say . . . speller.  I am under her spell as I vicarious live through the character's life.  This book is rich in imagery and complex in political intrigue.  I love it!  This is a dark erotica for those who are looking for a new look at the Greek gods.


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