Review: Live, Love, Spy

Live, Love, Spy

Live, Love, Spy by Lexi Blake
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This spin-off series is a mixed delight for me.  I love generational series.  In the latest one, TJ and Louisa's romance finally comes to ahead.  I love Louisa.  She is has grown into a kick ass operator even if she is the designated Q.  This is the book that actually finally made me connect what Q stood for in the James Bond movies.  I am not sure why I never caught on until now.  Regardless, Louisa and TJ follow TJ's parents relationship in some ways.  Except TJ is his mother's son - frustrating.

TJ is of the mind that he's not right for Louisa and proceeds to string her along.  In his illogical mind, she deserves better but he can't really let her go either.  Boy.. either shit or get off the pot.  So annoying this boy.  Fortunately, Louisa is the stronger of the two and able to finally get TJ to see the light.  This is after his mission goes sideways and Louisa comes in to save the day.  

The action part of this story is fun.  The relationship is very messy.  The sex is erotic but a bit cringing for me.  Let me be clear.  The kinky parts are all well written.  Ms. Blake does a great job with this piece.  The cringe part is that I met these characters when they were children.  Now having to adjust to them being adults and having sex is harder on me than I expected.  I had a similar problem with Tasha's story.  What this goes to show, is that Ms. Blake creates such compelling characters, even when they are secondary characters.  And it could also be that I'm now their parents' age and I sometimes feel like Big Tag.  I don't want to know what goes on behind the closed doors of these kids.

This is a delightful action hero romance with the leading lady saving the day.  Recommended for romantic suspense readers who enjoy the kinkier side of romance.


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