Review: Dozer: A motorcycle club new-adult paranormal dark capture romance

Dozer: A motorcycle club new-adult paranormal dark capture romance by Candace Blevins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Villain turned to saviour? Is that even possible with a homophobic biker who caused an incident across the Chattanooga supernatural landscape? I had my doubts and the first 25% of the book, I leaned more towards the irredeemable. In addition, I read the story of Dozer having to make it right with the supernaturals. I thought I would be all gun-ho for the punishment and eagerly grabbed for it. Because... Dozer deserved that punishment. Turns out, I did not have the stomach for it and was a bit sickened by it. Which is weird for me because I don't have issues with extreme sadism and this is not a contemporary romance. This is all paranormal so it is all plausible. You do not need to read Dozer's novella to be caught up this book. Suffice to say, I have been mixed on Dozer and was surprised he would receive his own book. Seriously, what about DAWG? I digress.
What I like about Ms. Blevins' stories is the character progression and growth. For me, it is what pulls me into a book. I love a good solid and complicated plot, but I can easily be sucked into a character who grows and becomes a better version of themselves. Why? Because at the heart of this style, it means, the character is given a second chance. Second chances are a big deal for me because it means that no one has to be perfect. We have the safety to make a mistake and learn from it. This is what Dozer experienced and we are treated to how his learning moment changed it.
Does the become this 180 turn around caricature white knight? Nope. He is still this tarnished, dented, and maybe slightly demented dark knight. His chosen steed is a Harley. The reformed Dozer is still in essence the same man, only better with understanding, empathy, and tolerance. This is the best anyone can ask for in this situation. Does he still make mistakes? Yes he does.
The main plot device in this story blew my mind when it happened. I'm thinking of all the ramifications of Dozer's slightly impulsive act to obtain what he wants when Daisy falls into his proverbial lap. I am a little shocked and wondering how Ms. Blevins could possibly allow no ramifications and have a plot hole the size of a semi. Why did I even question? The set up was fantastic. I'm hooked and now vested in this complete sexual shenanigans. Will forgiveness come and at what cost? The action and drama starts to heat up after the 25% mark and I'm now balls to wall wanting to know what comes next.
The dark sexual content is trademark Ms. Blevins and it is delightful. Some of it isn't my cup of tea but other parts... woah Nelly, are completely up my alley. I loved how Dozer built Daisy up. I love how he keeps her tethered to him. I love how he does orgasm denial. The way he will potentially keep her on edge for months or even a year? One word - orgasmic.
The cameos of well loved characters in this universe made the book warmer with familiar ties. The comradery and sense of family gives Dozer's story a smooth finish and a welcome back into the fold. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Recommended to sadistic kinky readers who enjoy tales of redemption and growth.
* I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.